Company: Institute of Transport Science at RWTH Aachen University
Position: Full professor
Year of birth: 1974
University-entrance diploma at Einhard Gymnasium, Aachen
1994 - 2002
Studies at RWTH Aachen University
Graduation, degree: Dipl.-Ing. Bauingenieurwesen ("Civil engineering")
Principal subject: Transportation Engineering and urban planning
Graduation, degree: Magister Artium (M.A.) economic geography
Doctorate, degree: Dr.-Ing.
PhD thesis: Capacity characteristics for route nodes
4/1999 - 6/2001
Student assistant at the Institute of Transport Science, RWTH Aachen University
10/2001 - 6/2007
Assistant and PhD Candidate at the Institute of Transport Science, RWTH Aachen University
7/2007 - 9/2008
Railway engineer at HaCon GmbH, Hanover
10/2008 - 9/2013
Managing Director of VIA Consulting & Development GmbH, Aachen
since 10/2013
Head of the Institute of Transport Science and Chair of Railway Engineering and Transport Economics at RWTH Aachen University
since 07/2006
International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR)
since 05/2013
Board member of the International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR)
since 10/2013
Association of University Professors of Railways (VUE)
since 10/2015
Scientific Board "Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau"(ETR)
since 10/2015
Association of German Engineers (VDI)
since 01/2016
Association of German Engineers, Chairman scientific advisory board "Railway technology"
since 01/2016
Association of German Engineers, "Society for Vehicle and Traffic Technologies"
since 09/2017
Director of the Research Center Railways RWTH Aachen University
since 11/2017
Co-publisher "Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau&uot;(ETR)
since 04/2020
Deputy speaker "Association of University Professors of Railways"